MFMII provides workshops throughout the school year for docents, classroom teachers, parents, and the community-at-large. These workshops focus on ways to help people integrate music into their daily lives and those of children. Each session has attracted many participants from Fremont, Newark, and Castro Valley school districts.
Upcoming Workshops
DRUMMM Workshop - January 29, 2020
Learn how to express yourself on the drums!
Learn how to express yourself on the drums!
Previous MFMII Sponsored Workshops:
Harmonica Workshop at Back to MFMII Night - Oct 2018
Barry and Holly Walter generously sponsored our harmonica workshop which was a great success empowering about 40 of our docents with their free harmonicas. Docents were taught the basics of how to play a harmonica and one docent trainee even used her harmonica in her final presentation, having been motivated by the workshop.
Blues in the Schools with Michael "Hawkeye" Herman
Hawkeye led a "Blues in the Schools" (BITS) workshop on August 11-12, 2018 in Fremont. 10 volunteers attended the workshop and promised to commit to doing at least one BITS presentation in a MFMII affiliated school. Hawkeye led an enlightening. fun-filled workshop and participants enjoyed learning about the history of the blues and how it influenced other styles of music. Did you know that blues had a baby and they named it "Rock 'n' Roll"? Everyone enjoyed singing and jamming together on the Sunday. A big thank you to Barry and Holly Walter for sponsoring the workshop.
Workshop flyer
Circle Dancing with Maureen Atkins
On March 23, 2018 MFMII hosted a circle dancing workshop, led by Maureen Atkins who is a member of the Bay Area Circle Dancers. She has led many workshops, programs and dance classes over the last 25 years, including the San Francisco Free Folk Festival and in the Newark and Hayward elementary schools. Circle dancing also known as folk / community dancing celebrates community and togetherness. Docents and teachers got some great exercise and had fun learning some easy, new international circle dances such as the "Seed Dance" and "Rain Dance".
Drummm! Come and Build Connections Through Rhythm!
This unique workshop provided a powerful drumming experience on February 23, 2010 and again in 2016, at the Niles School auditorium with guest presenter Jeni Swerdlow. Jeni is a percussionist and art therapist and a dynamic and engaging facilitator and trainer whose drumming circles have captivated thousands in the United States and abroad. Jeni’s playful attitude and innovative strategies inspire drumming with freedom and confidence among diverse populations.
Taiko Drumming with Terry Eustice
This workshop given in October of 2010 empowered docents and their children and community members to become Taiko drummers and express themselves through the power of creative rhythms and vocalization.
Dance Workshops
These workshops are an annual event usually held in March each year. Dust off your dancin’ shoes and join in the folk, square, and line dancing that includes instruments as well. Have fun while learning effective teaching tips for working with children. 2012 Workshop Flyer
Orff Specialist
Maddie Hogan, an Orff specialist and veteran music teacher, is a popular MFMII presenter as she leads everyone in classic Orff techniques that involve improvisation in pentatonic scales with creative movement, rosewood xylophones and percussion instruments.
Ukulele Workshop
In 2014, Dianne Smith and her group shared the joy of playing ukulele with an enthusiasic room full of docents. All docents learned how to play a few basic chords, played some songs and had a sing along.
Recorder Workshop with Ed Sueta
This workshop taught docents and community members how to play the recorder using Ed Sueta's "Be A Recorder Star" method. Docents shared their experiences of teaching recorders in the classroom, using the Recorder Karate method too.
See our event calendar for all MFMII workshops each school year.
Barry and Holly Walter generously sponsored our harmonica workshop which was a great success empowering about 40 of our docents with their free harmonicas. Docents were taught the basics of how to play a harmonica and one docent trainee even used her harmonica in her final presentation, having been motivated by the workshop.
Blues in the Schools with Michael "Hawkeye" Herman
Hawkeye led a "Blues in the Schools" (BITS) workshop on August 11-12, 2018 in Fremont. 10 volunteers attended the workshop and promised to commit to doing at least one BITS presentation in a MFMII affiliated school. Hawkeye led an enlightening. fun-filled workshop and participants enjoyed learning about the history of the blues and how it influenced other styles of music. Did you know that blues had a baby and they named it "Rock 'n' Roll"? Everyone enjoyed singing and jamming together on the Sunday. A big thank you to Barry and Holly Walter for sponsoring the workshop.
Workshop flyer
Circle Dancing with Maureen Atkins
On March 23, 2018 MFMII hosted a circle dancing workshop, led by Maureen Atkins who is a member of the Bay Area Circle Dancers. She has led many workshops, programs and dance classes over the last 25 years, including the San Francisco Free Folk Festival and in the Newark and Hayward elementary schools. Circle dancing also known as folk / community dancing celebrates community and togetherness. Docents and teachers got some great exercise and had fun learning some easy, new international circle dances such as the "Seed Dance" and "Rain Dance".
Drummm! Come and Build Connections Through Rhythm!
This unique workshop provided a powerful drumming experience on February 23, 2010 and again in 2016, at the Niles School auditorium with guest presenter Jeni Swerdlow. Jeni is a percussionist and art therapist and a dynamic and engaging facilitator and trainer whose drumming circles have captivated thousands in the United States and abroad. Jeni’s playful attitude and innovative strategies inspire drumming with freedom and confidence among diverse populations.
Taiko Drumming with Terry Eustice
This workshop given in October of 2010 empowered docents and their children and community members to become Taiko drummers and express themselves through the power of creative rhythms and vocalization.
Dance Workshops
These workshops are an annual event usually held in March each year. Dust off your dancin’ shoes and join in the folk, square, and line dancing that includes instruments as well. Have fun while learning effective teaching tips for working with children. 2012 Workshop Flyer
Orff Specialist
Maddie Hogan, an Orff specialist and veteran music teacher, is a popular MFMII presenter as she leads everyone in classic Orff techniques that involve improvisation in pentatonic scales with creative movement, rosewood xylophones and percussion instruments.
Ukulele Workshop
In 2014, Dianne Smith and her group shared the joy of playing ukulele with an enthusiasic room full of docents. All docents learned how to play a few basic chords, played some songs and had a sing along.
Recorder Workshop with Ed Sueta
This workshop taught docents and community members how to play the recorder using Ed Sueta's "Be A Recorder Star" method. Docents shared their experiences of teaching recorders in the classroom, using the Recorder Karate method too.
See our event calendar for all MFMII workshops each school year.